Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kill Me softly:

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
Recommendation: Positively, you should promptly stop what you are doing and read this marvelous creature of a thing. 
I admit at first I was skeptical, but by the tenth page I was hooked. The sort of hooked that has a girl staying up till 1:07 in the morning, eyelids drooping, and nerves tingling with exhaustion just to figure out all the complexities of this book. And which handsome devil-may-care brother is the brother to be rooting for. 
It was terribly lovely, sweetly-sickening knowing that this was a fairytale retelling, wondering who Mira was, and agonizing over which brother (Felix or Blue, older or younger) I was supposed to romancing backing. 
Bottom Line:
The whole thing was an interesting swell read. I adore fairytales and was appeased by this. The heroine was marvelous at times and at other times horridly pathetic (which I hated). The book seemed to me by the end to drag on I admit, and yet I feel like there is this whole last section that I missed. I am lacking a bit of finality to the book. 

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See Jane Run:

Rating: 2 1/2 out of 5 stars.  Recommendation: Eh, it wouldn't kill you to read this.  The Intrigue: So listen, let's say you weren...